Saturday, 31 August 2013

There is a mathematical miracle in the Quran that proves it is the word of God

There is a mathematical miracle in the Quran that proves it is the word of God


The number 7 miracle

The numerical miracle in the Qur’an involves numerous numbers, of which 7 is the primary one. But why 7? It seems that this number shares a strong relationship with the way our universe was created and structured. The Earth has seven layers: the crust, lithosphere, upper mantle, astenoshpere, lower mantle, outer core and inner core. The atmosphere has 7 layers: the Troposphere, Stratosphere, Ozonosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Ionosphere and the Exosphere. Atoms, the basic building blocks of matter, have a seven-layered structure. The universe has 7 skies, and the one we see decorated with stars at night is only one of those 7.

God Almighty perhaps wanted to include this fascinating number not only in his creations, but in his Holy book. Now, I will attempt to explain some miracles of the number 7 in the Qur’an:

• The number of verses in the Qur’an that referred to the seven skies is actually 7!

• The word "the Hereafter" is mentioned 70 times in the Quran, a multiple of 7!

• Hell-Fire has seven doors to it, and the number of times the word "Hell-Fire" (‘Jahannam’ in Arabic) is repeated in the Qur’an is 77, a multiple of 7!

• The first time God Almighty (Allah) mentions the number 7 in the Qur’an was in Chapter 2, Verse 29 when he says: "It is He Who hath created for you all things that are on earth; then He turned to heaven and made them into seven firmaments; and of all things He hath perfect knowledge. (29)". The last time Allah mentions the number 7 is in Chapter 78, Verse 12 when he states: "And (have We not) built over you the seven firmaments, (12)". Now observe this:

o The number of chapters between the first chapter that mentions this number and the last chapter that mentions it is 77, a multiple of 7!

o Not only that, but amazingly, the number of verses between the first verse that mentions 7 and the last verse that mentions 7 is 5649, also a multiple of 7.

o And even more amazingly, the number of verses that come from the beginning of Chapter 2 until the verse where 7 is first mentioned is the exact same number of verses as from the verse where 7 is last mentioned until the end of Chapter 78: 28 verses, which is also a multiple of 7!

o Furthermore, from the very beginning of Chapter 2, the chapter which first mentions number 7, to the very end of Chapter 78, the chapter which last mentions it, there are exactly 5705 verses, a multiple of 7! Check it yourself!

o The number of verses that come before the first verse where 7 is mentioned is 35, which is a multiple of 7, and the number of verses that come before the verse where 7 is last mentioned is 5684, a multiple of 7!

This is only a small ounce of the many examples of the wonders of number 7 in the Qur’an, let alone other prime numbers such as 13 and 19 and others. But the question remains to all those who question the Qur’an’s authenticity: could have all this happened by coincidence? Can this infallible accuracy have been sheer luck, or is there a precise system of mathematics that no one could have ever dreamed of concocting, proving through the language of numbers that this book is completely and utterly the word of God?

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